- Para medical college
- Ayurvedic medical college with 100 admissions per year
- Wellness centre with nature cure, physiotherapy and nutrition programmes
- Super specialty OPD building
- Dr. N. S. Hardikar Samadi abhivruddi (development) and other infrastructure facilities
- RCC roads in campus with landscape works and lighting
- Tree park development
- Ground mounted solar system in 20 acres of barren land
- Up gradation of CT Scan
- Nursing home for elderly

Site for proposed Mini Hydel Projects |
Installed capacity |
1*250KW |
Power plant civil works |
Rs. 65 lacs |
Electric Mechanical Equipment |
Rs. 110 lacs |
Other Direct & Indirect costs |
Rs. 29 lacs |
Total project cost |
Rs. 240 lacs ($ 5,00,00/-) |
Cost per KW installed |
Rs. 81,600/- |
Total project cost |
Rs. 250 lacs (US $ 6,00,000) |
Interest During Construction (IDC) Cost per KW installed including IDC |
Rs. 88,204/- |
Annual Generation |
0.93 Mu |
Net Annual Generation |
0.84 Mu |
Generation Cost (with KHI’s
Contribution @ 25% & Donations /
Grants @ 25% of Project Cost |
Rs. 3.52/KW/HR |
The power requirement of KHI is mainly met by supply from Karnataka Electricity Board (KEB). The present peak load of all facilities of KHI is around 339 kW. KHI also have two diesel generation sets of 100 kVA and 75 kVA capacity, which are put to use either when KEB supply is not available or when there are imposed power cuts. With the addition of new facilities, the total demand of KHI is expected to rise further. In order to meet the ever increasing energy demand, KHI has decided to set up mini hydel schemes.
KHI has identified two mini hydel schemes in the initial 5km reach of Gokak canal, which is a branch of Ghataprabha Left Bank Canal (GLBC). These schemes are located in the vicinity of KHI (refer Exhibit-1) and have an estimated combined power potential of about 500 kW. Scheme-1 is located at ch. 4.1 km of Gokak canal and Scheme-2 will be located near the canal head works on GLBC. KHI has already taken up the matter with Irrigation Department (ID) and Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Ltd., (KREDL) and represented to Government of Karnataka seeking allotment of the mini hydel schemes on the Gokak canal to KHI. Government of Karnataka has allotted the mini hydel scheme between 4km & 5km reach of Gokak cananl (i.e., Scheme-1) to KHI, vide Government Order No. DE 107 NCE 97, Bangalore . A KHI has approached Tata Consulting Enginnrs (TCE) for the preperation of a Detailed Project Report (DPR) on Gokak Canal Mini Hydel Scheme-1, which KHI propose to take up early. Considering the social and charitable activities being carried out by KHI, TCE have offered their services for the preparation of DPR. |