The very beginning of Karnatak Health Institute was based on service and uplift of villagers in the Gokak Taluka firstly and other places later as and when possible.
It was also amply relised that Medicine was the only power that could make easy and fundamental inroads in the society isolated, ignorant of modern developments and influenced for centuries with Mantras, Tantras, and traditional beliefs in the occult sciences.
Village-Health-Centre for Women at Yadwad |
Neither Educationalists, nor Politicians nor Religious propagandist could carry that weight, that easily and that convincingly and deep in the minds, as a properly oriented medical man could do.
There came a problem, however, when it was found that mere use of medicines, mere propaganda, mere free services were falling too short of requirements without the backing of a well equipped hospital which could prove the spectacularness of advanced life saving, procedures of modern medical sciences when faced with complicated Medical, Surgical or Maternity cases.
Realising this, visits to villages were withdrawn. Our full concentration was made to develop a base hospital – The K.H.I. – at the Ghataprabha area, where maximum attention could be paid and serious or complicated cases cured.
It took almost 13 years of struggle of Dr. Kokatnur and his friends to come to a stage with X-Ray, Laboratory, Wards, Operation Theatre, Buildings, Water Supply and such basic needs to be established.
Soon after freedom, Nationalist Dr. Hardikar could divert attention from freedom fight to constructive work. Reputation of K.H.I. also grew fast, work increased and there was reassessment and arrangements to start Rural Mobile Services again with greater confidence.
Smt. Vatsalatai Vaidya with Dr. Lotta Hitchmanova
Socio Economic Development
Village Helth center For Women |
Tailoring - class in Yadwad - village |
Madam Lotta Hitchmanova visiting
village matenity home & helth center/Sundoli
Madam Lotta Hitchmanova Felicitaing Ms. Avamma Mulla, for job of constructing a well in village Maldini
As a Charitable Hospital, our profound task is rural health and especially health of women and children. And as an organization (voluntary organization). Our next task was Socio-economic development of those needy women, to be on their own!
The Udyog kendra of KHI caters to counseling and the vocational training needs of these rural poor women.
At present we have following vocations to impart training :
Doll making and wood craft (toys) |
Sewing and tailoring.
Screen printing (Greeting cards, visiting cards, invitation cards)
Simple cotton cum plastic bag making.
Decorative work.
Pressing material for little ones and newly born.
Not only imparting training, but we also encourage them to undertake self employment activity and do help/guide them in winning markets for their products.
Often their products are displayed and sold through our own Udyogkendra, we are now getting orders from places out of the State of Karnataka.
Holiday Homes for School Children (of 10 to 14 age groups)
These Holiday Homes are conducted mostly during summer holidays for the last 30 years. Children from surrounding villages are selected and trained here for 21 days in drills, games and various subjects on hygiene, cleanliness, patriotism, healthy relationships, community living, World Geographical Knowledge “Our most precious body”, and many other objects. A trip to well-known Historical places is also arranged.
Exercises of Seva Dal Volunteers |
Medical Aid to Villages :
Bi weekly Medical Aid was given regularly in all these and surrounding villages, from 1955 to 1973. Now we have encouraged and helped many young doctors to establish in the villages. And as a result most of the villages have medical aid at their doors.
We encouraged Doctors to establish in the villages. The villagers are also human beings with good hearts. And once they give their faith they are our good friends. This resulted innumerable Doctors after setting in villages to practice this was successful we found that medical aid available in villages is adequate, and dropped our Medical visits to villages. We diverted our energies to other fields of work in the villages and arranged services of only specialist like Eye, ENT, Gyania, Dental, Immunization to visit periodically.
Celebrations of National and Religious Festivals throughout the year :
All members of Mahila Mandals celebrate all National festivals like 26th January. 15th August, 14th November and also religious functions like Makara Sankraman, Ganesh Chaturthi, Dasara days etc., by hoisting flag and arranging lectures cultural programmes sports various competitions dramas and prizes are distributed to the winners and sweets are distributed to all children.